ROSAS DEL AGAVANZAL is a business of handmade arrangements of Flowers and plants, with a high quality and prestiged reputation. All our arrangements are made moments before to be delivered to recipient with the most fresh materials.
Due to the complex and delicate status of our ítems, CHANGES AND REFUNDS ARE NOT ALOWED, EXCEPT for the following circumstances:
1. Items in bad state: in case of fresh flowers arrangements, client may ask for refund in between the next 24 hours after delivery with a pictures of the arrangement which show the bad state of them. In the case of plants, are required no more tan 48 hours. If ROSAS DEL AGAVANZAL is unable to proceed with an identical service for replacement, refund will be guaranteed.
2. Cancellations before delivery. Clients could cancel their purchase until 24 hours before delivery, and will not be admitted changes or cancellations on the same day, althuogh delivery could be changed to another address or recipient in the same geographical área which does not require aditional delivery costs. If delivery is not posible due to a major force circumstance, only could be refunded a minimum amount of 50%.
3. Special ítems requested by clients: some ítems are not usually availble in our stock and have to be reserved by clients for the occsion. These ítems are not posible to be changed or refunded, specially when the materials must be reserved previosly days before and, when come from other partner shops as complements to our flowers. These ítems are not allowed to be cancelled even more tan 24 hours before as in previos circumstances. Example of this cases are the wedding bouquets, special arrangements of rare flowers or plants and fresh food complements or pastisserie.
4. When recipient wishes to change gift: this point is only admitted for plants or preserved flowers and decorative dry complements. Client/recipient would have 48 hours máximum to bring the ítem and change for any other item with the same price in our shop. If a Courier is required to remove and replace ítems, an aditional amount would be required as extra delivery fee.. In case of fresh Flowers, only will be allowed a change of delivery to another recipient with an aditional cost if courier services are required.
5. Failed recipient: this is when recipient rejects the gift, or is absent definetly of the given address. Client may ask for a new delivery which could requiere an aditional delivery cost during the next 24/48 hours. Refund is not posible unless is in a case of a major force circumstance, in which is admitted a partial refund under a minium of the 50% of the initial amount.
6. Mistakes in our catalogues/services: when clients have selected an ítem not availble and which could not be substituited, or when ROSAS DEL AGAVANZAL has made a mistake in its service which can not be repaired. Then, refund will be authomatically made.